Monday, November 28, 2011

Go Big 5 or Go Home 0

     I would say Florida's "Big Five would be alligators, the Florida panther, manatees, dolphins, and opossums. While manatees are a big part of Florida, they are endangered and there is always a fear of them becoming extinct. Dolphins still make appearances to those out on the ocean, trying to steal someone's catch while they are fishing. Opossums are still becoming victims of the road and they don't seem to be letting up. But I feel another animal should now be added, the snake, snakes in general. Many are not even native to Florida, being brought from another country; they reproduce fast enough to be a large factor in the environment

Monday, November 21, 2011

Open Your Blinds, I Can't See Through Them!

    Stalking usually refers to someone who engages in a harassing or threatening behavior toward another person repeatedly, this may include nonconsensual communication or verbal, written or implied threats. The National Violence Against Woman or NVAW survey shows that 78% of stalking victims are women, and 22% are men. While 87% of the stalkers were identified as male. Some ways to prevent stalking is to enforce anti-stalking policies and programs on campus, also to increase perpetrators' accountability for stalking behaviors. There are also services being provided for victims of stalkers, which include counseling.
     My opinion on stalking is that it seems to be happening way too often and looks like it will only be getting worse. With such easy access to the internet now, it has even become a virtual problem. People are able to hack into other people phones and computers in order to access pictures and other personal information. In order to achieve an atmosphere free of fear and intimidation, I think an increase in law enforcement around the campus, but not to many to feel like they are waiting for you to slip up and catch you for it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stranger Danger Has Sent You A Friend Request

     In the article "Facing the Dangers of Facebook, Head On" by Steve Adubato, he takes different situations that has occured because of Facebook and expand on it. Such as, a young ladies father has become so absorbed with Facebook that his personality on Facebook began to seep into his daily life. Another incident that happens far too often are people putting photos for people they don't even know to see and once it's out there, it is for the world to see.
     I do agree 100% that people do put photos up that they shouldnt, that people can easily get absorbed in conversations with people they don't know and say stuff they won't have to regret the next day, and that there are evil people that lurk on facebook. Of course there are ways of protecting yourself. Although Facebook, and hackers, has access to all your information, there are ways of changing your settings so only people you know can see the information and photos. Many people add others to be friends even though they don't necessarily know the person, making themselves victums.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Looking Through The Glass

     The mood of this advertisement is depressing and it does this by showing a girl crashing through the picture frame glass as if she was going through a car windshield. It is designed to show what could happen if you drink and drive.  There is not much balance in the picture, most of the "action" is located on the left side, but the frame is facing toward the right side. There is not a lot of space being used; only a portion is filled with a graphic.
     I feel that this image holds a very powerful message. It is very simple, yet extremely complex; the visuals make it better than most drinking and driving ads that just show alcohol and a teen's face. What this advertisement could use to help it is some sort of text to catch the viewer, there's a sentence in the corner "Don't make it a grad to forget" in very small font that does not influence the ad at all.

Calder Bateman Communications, Edmonton. Advertisement. Adgoodness. IHaveAnIdea, 2005. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Scorn of a Women's Touch

Why Men Dont Talk To Women 

The central message that the author is trying to communicate is that there are women in the world that think the only reason a man is talking to them is because they want to go on a date or have sex. But at the end of the video, it shows that the easiest way for a man to get a girl is by having money to spend on her. I agree with the author on the viewpoint that most men don't want to have to go through that conversation with a woman. But of course not all women are like that, also not all women only go out with guys just because of the money they are making, although I'm guessing it would be nice

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Honor the Brave, Remember the Fallen

Both posters have to do with veterans day. Poster one has large light letters that are easy to read while in front of the darker edges of the background.  It also shows sunlight shining through the American flag with a hint of gold. There are also stars following in a few different lines going into the sun. Poster two has a lot more writing thats smaller and harder to read. But the black and white ad with a single footprint in the mud leaves a lasting impression, literally and symbolically. When you see this track, obviously already made in the past, it triggers a response of rememberance. This rememberence is exactly what Veteran's day is all about, remembering those soldiers who fought for us. This being said, the advertisement is very effective. The ad in color with a flag and light shining behind it focuses on an image of "holiness". Any time you see a bright light it is said to be an angellic sight, and in this case it shows the holy act of what our soldiers did for us. It reveals that we want to honor all the soldiers did for us, and remember in full exaltation. This ad is also very effective in the goals and meaning of Veteran's Day. Though this is an effective ad, the black and white ad is much more effective. In triggering an innate response of feeling, it is automatically an attention-grabber. Using pathos is a great way to draw in the audience's attention and that is exactly what the footprint ad does.

"Veterans-day-poster » Kick Acts Magazine." Kick Acts Magazine. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.
Photograph. BlogSpot. Internet. <>.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Not Your Average Animation
For my midterm reflection I used the GoAnimate technology tool. I used this tool because it seemed like it could be enjoyable to use and that when you mess with cartoons or animations such as this one, you are always able to make it unique. While I was trying to figure out what to put in the dialog boxes, I noticed that you are only able to have 10 lines of dialog, which was not enough for all the information that could have been extracted. But there were many other things you could do with the people. You could change the background, although only a few were selectable, change what your person looked like, how they talked, their emotions, and if i saw this right, the language they spoke in. If I was to revise this assignment i would probably try a different technology tool. But dealing with the GoAnimate, I would probably try to fit more information into the dialog boxes, since theres a max number of character aloud per box.