Monday, October 17, 2011

Not Your Average Animation
For my midterm reflection I used the GoAnimate technology tool. I used this tool because it seemed like it could be enjoyable to use and that when you mess with cartoons or animations such as this one, you are always able to make it unique. While I was trying to figure out what to put in the dialog boxes, I noticed that you are only able to have 10 lines of dialog, which was not enough for all the information that could have been extracted. But there were many other things you could do with the people. You could change the background, although only a few were selectable, change what your person looked like, how they talked, their emotions, and if i saw this right, the language they spoke in. If I was to revise this assignment i would probably try a different technology tool. But dealing with the GoAnimate, I would probably try to fit more information into the dialog boxes, since theres a max number of character aloud per box.


  1. Thanks for this through reflection, Eric. Did you know that you can embed the animated movie directly using the
