Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Honor the Brave, Remember the Fallen

Both posters have to do with veterans day. Poster one has large light letters that are easy to read while in front of the darker edges of the background.  It also shows sunlight shining through the American flag with a hint of gold. There are also stars following in a few different lines going into the sun. Poster two has a lot more writing thats smaller and harder to read. But the black and white ad with a single footprint in the mud leaves a lasting impression, literally and symbolically. When you see this track, obviously already made in the past, it triggers a response of rememberance. This rememberence is exactly what Veteran's day is all about, remembering those soldiers who fought for us. This being said, the advertisement is very effective. The ad in color with a flag and light shining behind it focuses on an image of "holiness". Any time you see a bright light it is said to be an angellic sight, and in this case it shows the holy act of what our soldiers did for us. It reveals that we want to honor all the soldiers did for us, and remember in full exaltation. This ad is also very effective in the goals and meaning of Veteran's Day. Though this is an effective ad, the black and white ad is much more effective. In triggering an innate response of feeling, it is automatically an attention-grabber. Using pathos is a great way to draw in the audience's attention and that is exactly what the footprint ad does.

"Veterans-day-poster » Kick Acts Magazine." Kick Acts Magazine. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.
Photograph. BlogSpot. Internet. <>.

1 comment:

  1. thorough analysis of the two posters...It would help if you used paragraphing and more white space.
