Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It's the ability to rip and tear the foil off of a Hershey's kiss, like a small child opening presents on a Christmas morning.  The wrinkled foil that encases the Kisses works as a protective shell.  The white paper reaches out of the top, allowing you to quickly unveil the beauty in silver.  While being held up to the sun the shiny coating is a reflective work of art, but make sure not to leave this masterpiece out for too long, it could become a deliteful mess.  The aroma of this delicate piece of heaven and earth will force you to believe that you have already engaged in the act of digesting it.  But do not be decieved by the essence, for it is no match for the real thing.  Hot liquid magma that descends from atop a volcanoe could not compare to the texture of this creamy delite.  This flat-bottomed teardrop shape will only bring out joy when consumed.  Your taste buds will be screaming "Oh yeah" like the Kool-Aid guy as you eat one, but one wont satisfy.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful description. I particularly like all of your metaphors: delightful mess, reflective work of art, delicate piece of heaven, hot liquid magma.
    Watch your grammar and mechanics though. Proofread your work.

    spelling of delighful, delight, volcano,deceived

    commas needed after introductory clauses (While being held up to the sun, the shiny.....)

    The title needs to give an idea of the subject. I think Oh Yeah is too broad.

    An image would have also been nice.
