Monday, September 19, 2011

Turtle's Haven

    As the piercing sun beats down onto the soft, endless sand, seagulls begin to fly overhead in search of a quick meal from the beach goers.  The smooth glass ocean shatters as the waves hit the shore with a crashing swoosh.  With no one in sight, the private beach seems to be completely deserted, except for a select few.  We ride our boogey boards with the waves until we come to a sudden halt as we hit the sand.  The night slowly creeps into the sky, allowing other sea creatures to come ashore.  It becomes as dark outside as the inside of your eyelids.  Sea turtles make their way upshore everynight to lay their eggs in the soft, cool sand.  In the morning we dodge deep holes, making sure we don't step in one and end a life that has yet to begin.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely description of the events at the beach. I love the last sentence about the turtles. Correct the following: no comma before with a crashing swoosh, comma after With no one in sight, no comma before as we hit the sand, apostrophe needed in don't.
