Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Honor the Brave, Remember the Fallen

Both posters have to do with veterans day. Poster one has large light letters that are easy to read while in front of the darker edges of the background.  It also shows sunlight shining through the American flag with a hint of gold. There are also stars following in a few different lines going into the sun. Poster two has a lot more writing thats smaller and harder to read. But the black and white ad with a single footprint in the mud leaves a lasting impression, literally and symbolically. When you see this track, obviously already made in the past, it triggers a response of rememberance. This rememberence is exactly what Veteran's day is all about, remembering those soldiers who fought for us. This being said, the advertisement is very effective. The ad in color with a flag and light shining behind it focuses on an image of "holiness". Any time you see a bright light it is said to be an angellic sight, and in this case it shows the holy act of what our soldiers did for us. It reveals that we want to honor all the soldiers did for us, and remember in full exaltation. This ad is also very effective in the goals and meaning of Veteran's Day. Though this is an effective ad, the black and white ad is much more effective. In triggering an innate response of feeling, it is automatically an attention-grabber. Using pathos is a great way to draw in the audience's attention and that is exactly what the footprint ad does.

"Veterans-day-poster » Kick Acts Magazine." Kick Acts Magazine. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.
Photograph. BlogSpot. Internet. <>.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Not Your Average Animation
For my midterm reflection I used the GoAnimate technology tool. I used this tool because it seemed like it could be enjoyable to use and that when you mess with cartoons or animations such as this one, you are always able to make it unique. While I was trying to figure out what to put in the dialog boxes, I noticed that you are only able to have 10 lines of dialog, which was not enough for all the information that could have been extracted. But there were many other things you could do with the people. You could change the background, although only a few were selectable, change what your person looked like, how they talked, their emotions, and if i saw this right, the language they spoke in. If I was to revise this assignment i would probably try a different technology tool. But dealing with the GoAnimate, I would probably try to fit more information into the dialog boxes, since theres a max number of character aloud per box.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

YouTube's Finest

(Philip Defranco)

(Mike Diva)
 YouTube has become the “go-to” place for all music, news, recaps, education, and just general entertainment.  Hundreds of millions of people go to YouTube every day just to watch their favorite music videos or to explore the vast possibilities that lie within YouTube.  There are two “YouTubers” I feel have changed the way viewers watch videos, Philip Defranco and Mike Diva.  YouTube is like the ocean and the videos are like the fish, there are always some being added, fish being born, or some taken away, fish dying.
 Philip Defranco, otherwise known as Sxephil on YouTube, is best known for his “PDS” or Philip Defranco Show.  On this show he talks about what matters to him on the news for the day.  He mixes in funny pictures and paraphrases to help his viewers better understand what is happening in the world, such as describing his views on the Occupy Wall Street.  Mike Diva, on the other hand, uses special effects and music to “WOW” his audience.  His “How to Dance to Dubstep” video is a parody of his crew doing some unrealistic dances, such as the “The Poorly Constructed Robot” where he does the robot and begins to lose his arms and lastly his head.  “The Transformer”, where he folds his arms and head into his body and then morphs into a dog or “The Brain Freeze”, he holds his head and begins to shake like an a building during an earthquake, and then his head explodes.
Philip Defranco has many different shows other than his “PDS”; “Stuff Phil Likes”, “LTA”, and a vloggity, or video blog.  “Stuff Phil Likes” is a playlist where every other video he introduces another video found on YouTube.  One of his recent picks was of a man named Ueli Steck that solo climbed a mountain.  He is also known for selling shirts and posters; his logo that he puts on the shirts is a monkey smiling and wearing glasses.  Mike Diva is more of a creative prankster.  His most popular video is called “Sexy Sax Man Careless Whisper Prank” in it he videos his friend Sergio Flores go to various locations across Los Angeles, such as different stores, food establishments, and plazas.  Sergio plays the song “Careless Whisper” by George Michael on the saxophone while in shopping carts, and on desks and tables.
Philip Defranco has now become successful enough in his YouTube career to have meet-ups with his thousands of fans throughout Europe.  He also hires interns, has become sponsored by Netflix, and give stuff away every day; Video game consoles, gift cards, and other expensive items.  Mike Diva has done videos where he collaborates with other YouTubers using music and special effects that will blow your mind, just like how “The Brain Freeze” does. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prepare for Manhood!

   Axe body wash is for the man that never stops having a good time.  The scent stays with you throughout your adventure into the night.  As long as you shower with Axe, you'll never miss a beat when you’re having a good time.  Like a zombie coming to life, it revives you, to keep you coming back for more.
    Although you might role-play as a horse, you will definitely not smell like one.  Remember that pool party where you drank to your heart’s content and you passed out, and people were drawing on you with a permanent marker?  No?  Well don't worry about it Axe has a fix for that.  Lather up and get ready to head out for more, because you are bound to find a good time smelling like a God.
     Gillette is for the man that takes his work with him wherever he goes.  Most body washes say they're for men, but can’t tackle the odors like Gillette does.  Gillette attacks and defends from a man's odor, while others are only good for child's play. 
     You might think that you've taken control of your stench, but if you’re not using Gillette body wash, you only just woken a sleeping giant.  When you think you’re hunky-dory, presenting your PowerPoint to the boss and the smell of defeat creeps up on you like a lion stalking its prey.  You should have thought twice before you overlooked Gillette in the Men's isle.  Now all that’s left is for you to take everyone holding their breath as you walk by and to run faster than an Olympian in the 4x4 to your nearest Wal-Mart.