Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prepare for Manhood!

   Axe body wash is for the man that never stops having a good time.  The scent stays with you throughout your adventure into the night.  As long as you shower with Axe, you'll never miss a beat when you’re having a good time.  Like a zombie coming to life, it revives you, to keep you coming back for more.
    Although you might role-play as a horse, you will definitely not smell like one.  Remember that pool party where you drank to your heart’s content and you passed out, and people were drawing on you with a permanent marker?  No?  Well don't worry about it Axe has a fix for that.  Lather up and get ready to head out for more, because you are bound to find a good time smelling like a God.
     Gillette is for the man that takes his work with him wherever he goes.  Most body washes say they're for men, but can’t tackle the odors like Gillette does.  Gillette attacks and defends from a man's odor, while others are only good for child's play. 
     You might think that you've taken control of your stench, but if you’re not using Gillette body wash, you only just woken a sleeping giant.  When you think you’re hunky-dory, presenting your PowerPoint to the boss and the smell of defeat creeps up on you like a lion stalking its prey.  You should have thought twice before you overlooked Gillette in the Men's isle.  Now all that’s left is for you to take everyone holding their breath as you walk by and to run faster than an Olympian in the 4x4 to your nearest Wal-Mart. 

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